SGR is pleased to announce that Dr. Sarah Sharman recently joined the firm’s Intellectual Property (IP) Department as a Science Advisor. Working with the firm’s patent attorneys, Dr. Sharman will assist the firm’s clients with respect to patent application preparation and filing, and other patent-related matters. Dr. Sharman is a recent graduate of Augusta University, where she received her Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology. While pursuing her degree, her research focused on increasing cGMP signaling in the colon mucosa through the use of PDE-5 inhibitors and GC-C agonists as a prevention and treatment strategy for various gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. … Read more
Tag: IP
Kirsch and Warenzak Continue to Teach Law School IP Classes

Greg Kirsch, SGR partner and Head of the firm’s Intellectual Property Department, will once again be teaching his “Intellectual Property Protection for Computer Software” class as an adjunct professor at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, during the weekend of February 24-26, 2017. Kirsch has been teaching this class annually since 2011, and the class focuses on how computer software may be protected with intellectual property (IP) laws in the US and internationally, and how this IP protection may be exploited and enforced. The class is taught to approx. 40 2nd and 3rd-year law students, as well as MBA… Read more
Infringement of Copyright – ‘Access’ and Probative Similarity
Kelly Wilson filed a lawsuit against Disney in March 2014 claiming that a marketing trailer for “Frozen” directly infringed her copyrighted short film, The Snowman. Wilson’s complaint states that she created The Snowman between 2008 and 2010 and that the short was screened at eight film festivals. One of those screenings was at the San Francisco International Film Festival in 2011, where she shared the stage with an employee of Disney’s Pixar Animation Studios, which was also screening a film in the same session. In our August 14, 2014 edition of SGR’s Intellectual Property Brain Trust, we reported that United… Read more