Jun 26, 2019

U.S. EPA Not to Impose Stricter Ozone Controls on Upwind States

The U.S. EPA determined in December 2018 that it would not impose additional pollution control requirements on power plants in 20 upwind states whose emissions allegedly cause ozone nonattainment in downwind states in the northeast. Six eastern states led by New York are suing the EPA arguing it should have required stricter controls from upwind states to stop nitrogen ozides from blowing across state lines and preventing New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey from meeting federal air quality limits for ozone causing pollutants. The EPA has countered that additional pollution controls on the upwind states would achieve… Read more

Aug 30, 2013

EPA Ruled 29 Areas in 16 States Violate Sulfur Standard

The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) ruled on July 26 that 29 areas in 16 states, including Florida, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, violate the 2010 air quality standard for sulfur dioxide, a pollutant that can cause respiratory issues.  The 29 nonattainment areas will have to reduce emissions from power plants, industrial facilities, and other pollution sources in order to attain its goal of meeting the sulfur dioxide standard in five years. In addition, companies located in the nonattainment areas requiring modification to their existing facilities, or new companies that desire to do business in the nonattainment areas, will be required to… Read more