With the introduction and increasing popularity of digital cryptocurrencies (whether Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies), we are seeing a rapid increase in the utilization of a non-centralized record-keeping protocol, known as blockchain. Blockchain technology offers a way for parties who do not know or trust each other to reach consensus on a common digital history. A common digital history is important because digital assets and transactions can easily be faked and/or duplicated. Blockchain technology provides a solution without using a trusted intermediary by operating an electronic decentralized, sometimes referred to as a distributed, public ledger to record transactions and assets in… Read more
Corporate Law
Blockchain’s Art Expansion
Recently, we provided a brief introduction into the still-evolving world of blockchain technology and its uses in the modern age. For a quick recap, please read our previous blockchain article. By way of a high-level summary, blockchain operates as a decentralized database of transactions, shared across a vast network of computers. Blockchains are used, most commonly, to transfer cryptocurrencies between contracting parties and to manage records of these transactions. The unregulated nature of blockchain technology has led to rapid growth in the industry and revolutionized the way that daily transactions can be made. While blockchain was initially developed for and is… Read more