SGR partner Bruce McDonald is co-chairing the annual Spring Meeting of the American Bar Association Section of International Law this year at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C., April 25 – 29, 2017. The ABA Section of International Law has over 20,000 members and is one of 27 sections and divisions of the ABA. The Section has approximately 60 committees and publishes The International Lawyer, one of the oldest and best known quarterly journals on international law. Currently there are more than 1,000 attorneys from around the world registered for the Spring Meeting, with several hundred more expected.
In 2008, Bruce defended the American Bar Association in the first trademark infringement suit ever brought against the association. As a trademark lawyer, he has chaired the Section’s International Intellectual Property Rights Committee, and is currently the Section Liaison to the International Trademark Association (INTA), the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law (IPL), and the Intellectual Property Court of the Russian Federation (IPC), where he serves as the only American representative among 70 Russian and international jurists on the IPC board of advisors.